The Royal Australian Chemical Institute

NSW Branch

Western Sydney Section

Western Sydney Section Postal Address:

Dr Robyn Crumbie

Campbelltown Campus


Locked Bag 1797

Penrith South DC NSW 1797



NSW Branch Postal Address:

School of Chemistry,

UNSW, Sydney 2052

Tel: +61 2 9663 4960

Fax: +61 2 9385 6141



 Chair  Dr Michael Moawad

 (02) 9449 0780


 Honorary Secretary  Dr Robyn Crumbie

(02) 4620 3201


 Honorary Treasurer  Dr Gary Bowman

 (02) 9857 2372



Seminars are held throughout the year, normally at the Campbelltown and Hawkesbury campuses of the University of Western Sydney.

The aim has been to offer a diverse range of topics in response to the academic and industrial interests of the Section's membership.

Please contact the Committee members for details of the activities for 2007/8, or visit the Events and Calendars sections of this web site..


For further information, contact the Committee Members above or contact: RACI State Office

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Last Revised: 9th October 2007